Community college

Study voucher

The Board of Education has granted a study voucher grant to Muonio's community college. The study voucher can reduce the study fees by 10 euros/course, and the same person can receive a maximum of two per academic year.

The following groups can receive a study voucher:

  • Maahanmuuttajat, joilla on kotikuntalaissa (201/1994) tarkoitettu kotikunta Suomessa. Turvapaikanhakijat eivät kuulu tähän ryhmään.
  • Työttömät, jotka ovat kokopäivätyöhön käytettävissä tai jotka odottavat sovitun työn alkamista. Työttömiksi voidaan myös lukea pitkäksi ajaksi lomautetut henkilöt.
  • Henkilöt, joilla ei ole perusopetuksen jälkeistä koulutusta ja jotka eivät kuulu laajennetun oppivelvollisuuden piiriin.
  • Henkilöt, joilla on oppimisvaikeuksia. Lähtökohtana on henkilön oma kokemus oppimisvaikeuksista.
  • Eläkettä saavat henkilöt, jotka eivät ole ansiotyössä.
  • Immigrants who have a domicile in Finland as referred to in the Domicile Act (201/1994). Asylum seekers do not belong to this group.
  • Unemployed people who are available for full-time work or who are waiting for an agreed job to start. Persons laid off for a long time can also be counted as unemployed.
  • Persons who do not have post-primary education and who do not fall under the scope of extended compulsory education.
  • People with learning disabilities. The starting point is the person's own experience of learning difficulties.
  • Persons who receive a pension but are not employed.

You cannot pay material fees with study vouchers. A study voucher can be applied for online at the Study Voucher section or by phone during registration.

Applicants for study vouchers must, prove that they belong to the target group entitled to a study voucher. For those experiencing learning difficulties, the definition is based on the person's own experience of learning difficulties. The educational institution and the student together evaluate the prerequisites for starting studies on this basis.

Community college info

Community college office
Puthaanrannantie 15
(B-talo, toinen kerros)
99300 MUONIO

acting cultural director
Päivi Rantakokko
tel. +358 40 489 5160

office secretary
Heikki Tuikka
tel. +358 40 353 3424

The office is open Mon-Fri from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m