Municipality and administration

Municipality and administration

Municipality and administration

Document publicity description

Document publicity description and information requests

Document public description is a general description of Muonio municipality's case register and the information collected in the provision of services and their processing. It helps municipal residents and other interested parties to identify their information requests to the municipality. The municipality of Muonio is an information management unit referred to in the Information Management Act (906/2019), which must maintain document public description.

Case register

The case register of the municipality of Muonio contains information about matters that are and were being processed by the municipality, their processing stages and documents. The case register includes information related to the initiation of cases, preparation, decision-making, notification, appeals, publication and institutional work. Information belonging to the case register is available in the case management system, in operational information systems and as paper material.

Requests for information

Everyone has the right to receive information about the public document of the municipality of Muonio, based on the Act on the Publicity of Official Activities (621/1999).

In your request for information, state as precisely as possible which document or documents your request concerns. If your request for information concerns a public document or information, you do not need to justify your request or tell what the information will be used for. If your Information Request concerns a confidential document or documents from which information can only be disclosed under certain conditions, you must state the purpose of use of the information and be able to verify your identity.

We will provide information about the public document as soon as possible, no later than two weeks after making the information request. If providing information requires a larger workload than usual, the information will be provided or the matter will be resolved no later than one month after the information request was made. We will inform the requester of this separately.

Access to information about documents is free of charge in municipalities when information about the document is provided orally, the document is given to the authority to be read or copied, an electronically stored document is sent by e-mail, or the provision of the document falls within the scope of the authority's obligation to advise, consult or provide information.

A fee may be charged for an information request when retrieving the information requires special measures when the document cannot be identified and found in the document register kept by the authority in accordance with the Public Disclosure Act by means of the document classification and document identifier used in it, or in electronically maintained registers by means of its search functions.

The Publicity Act does not oblige the authorities to prepare reports upon request or to combine information.

Send a request for information to Muonio municipality's registry office by email to or by letter to:

Muonion kunta
Puthaanrannantie 15, 99300 Muonio

Depending on the type, we hand over the information via e-mail or letter. The documents can also be consulted on site. A fee may be charged for paper prints.

A request for information to social care is made on a separate form. We hand over social security customer information in paper copies by letter.

Information reserves

Data reserve refers to an entity containing data materials formed for a specific purpose in the activities of the municipality of Muonio. The information in the information reserves is available both in digital form in various information systems and on paper.

The following information has been provided about the data reserves:

  • a general description of the datasets contained in the database
  • information systems that contain the datasets of the database
  • search factors that can be used to search for information in the database
  • the authority responsible for the data reserve

Data materials are not openly available through a technical interface.