Hobby opportunities
In Muonio, you can do many things both in guided groups and on your own at great sports venues. In the gym shifts, you can find any free training shifts that can be booked by everyone for an affordable gym reservation fee. It is also possible to reserve the gym for, for example, a family hobby.
Muonio Women's Gymnasts (fi) organize a variety of exercises, dances and relaxation moments for men as well. Muonio Kiri (fi) organizes weekly series runs and skis, bicycle orienteering and many other events, including the annual FIS competitions. Muonion melojat (fi) organizes activities for its members and rents, e.g. paddling equipment for independent camping. In addition, Muonio Kiipeilijät operates in Muonio. More sports offerings can be found in the civic communitys's courses (fi). Gym groups aimed at the elderly are organized by Käsivarren Seniorit (fi), and Tunturilapin Kuntoutus also has its own wellness groups.
Among the activities organized by Sport services, Muonio Circus School Huippu's (fi) activities are the largest. The circus has been operating in the municipality since 2016, first with project assistance, and now the operation has established itself, so that there are already 130 enthusiasts in the circus.
Sports services info
Sports and well-being manager
Sports instructor
Vitality services are responsible for the maintenance of sports facilities.