Early childhood education

Applying for early childhood education

The application for early childhood education with attachments is submitted electronically via eDaisy to the director of early childhood education 4 months before the estimated need for care. When starting employment or studying, the application must be submitted no later than two weeks before the child needs a place of care. Morning and afternoon care for a preschooler is paid early childhood education, and it is applied for with the early childhood education application form.

Attachments required for the early childhood education application:

  • Salary certificates from guardians for all taxable income (including capital income, rental income, interest, dividends, etc.) or a statement of the most recently submitted taxation.
  • From entrepreneurs, an accountant's certificate of annual earnings.
    Certificate of acceptance to study from students.
  • A copy of the daily allowance decision or proof of payment
    (unemployment allowance, maternity allowance, accident insurance, annuity).
  • Payment receipts for alimony and support, prosecution.

If the monthly income is irregular, the information is provided for a period of 6-12 months. The guardian can also state that the early childhood education fee may be charged according to the most expensive, in which case income information does not need to be submitted.

In order to organize early childhood education, information is needed from the person taking care of the child, when the child has a need for special support or an allergy or illness that affects the child's well-being:

  • terveydenhoitajan tai lääkärin kirjoittama todistus
  • tutkimus- tai kuntoutussuunnitelma tms.
  • a certificate written by a health nurse or doctor
  • rehabilitation plan, etc.

Early childhood education info

Puthaanrannantie 15 B
99300 Muonio

Muonion kunta
Puthaanrannantie 15
99300 Muonio

acting director of early childhood education
Kaisa Mella
+358 40 489 5113

early childhood education special needs teacher
Leena Raitanen
+358 40 489 5180

Päiväkoti Tunturihelmi
Pirkantie 15 A ja B (Vadelma, Hilla ja Puolukka)
Pirkantie 22 A 1 (Mansikka)
99300 Muonio

Personal email address
first name.last Name@muonio.fi

+358 40 489 5115        

+358 40 489 5168        

+358 40 489 5165

+358 40 489 5114      

(morning and afternoon care for preschoolers)
+358 40 4895163